Our Philosophy

The AA philosophy is centred on the great value we place on our relationships with investors. It is for this reason that we only represent the highest quality of GPs, and those which align with our firm’s values. We initiate a rigorous selection process allowing us to maintain the trust of our investor base.


AA Advisors acts as an investment guide to various LPs enabling them to cover the full universe of potential investments. The large network created by AA Advisors allows us to source high quality GPs who would previously have operated under the radar. Our high degree of specialisation and expertise enables us to guide LPs to the most appropriate GPs in their desired space, allowing them to maximise returns and reduce risk.

Selection criteria

  1. Consistent and quantifiable track record, coupled with excellent GP pedigree

  2. Macroeconomic analysis; analysis of current market climate and compatibility with represented funds

  3. LP analysis; does the fund fit well with current LP allocations

  4. Firm review; organisation, infrastructure, wider team pedigree

  5. Investment philosophy, process, and risk-return profile

  6. Risk management; understanding the safeguards in place to protect investor money, including ESG considerations


  1. An initial call will be organised in which we will discuss the specifics of your investment search, after which you will be assigned an investment consultant. This will be followed by an in-depth analysis of the criteria and creation of a proposal document.

  2. AA Advisors will reach out across its considerable network of resources in order to find firms that match LP specifications. After initial due diligence they will be presented to the LP for review, there is a high level of customisation regarding the depth of analysis and filtering.

  3. Investment decisions will be made by the LP, though AA Advisors will be there to assist in any matters of due diligence or analysis.

Current Manager Roster

For information on our current manager roster please submit an enquiry below.